Well we headed over from Jackon over Teton Pass to Victor ID this morning, probably only about 45 minutes or so without a 12,000 plus pound trailer tethered to ya, but we made it with no issues other than slowing down a few people behind us. Victor is an interesting place, i think population on the sign was less than 1000 but some serious high end homes. Im jumping a little but we stopped in the corner store on the way back after the ride, it looked like some po dunk corner grocery but it had all the high end stuff of a Wegman's, very strange.
Anyways, we settled in here then headed back over the pass to start our ride. I was a little apprehensive about the ride, it seemed like the down hill had the potential of being a steep washed out, rocky mess. It was the easiest (not easy) 2000 foot climb ive done on a mountain bike. It was actually on the old pass road, now basically a two lane multiuse trail from just above the valley floor to 2000 feet and four miles above at Teton pass. We made the climb in just under an hour, not having to slide down to the small chain ring at all. From that point the ride directions took us back a dirt access road for a half mile but howie spied a single track that said it took us in the same direction so we took that instead. It was probably a bit steeper in a couple sections and much more exposed but a good call over all. This started the second half of the climb, only 700 feet or so on a nice single track over the next 1.5 miles.
I have an epic planned for tomorrow, all the trail is either in the guide book or on the map so im pretty confident it should be a good ride, although we will run into a half mile hike a bike according to both map and book. so keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer for us.
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