Well the plan for Saturday was to do a quai-epic including some of cement mountain as well as the doctor’s park downhill. It was raining and even hailing a bit when we woke up so we decided to sleep in and re-evaluate later in the day. We ended up not doing anything except HO did take a ride into and around Gunnison in the afternoon. I also caught up on some bike maintenance as well as a little laundary.
Sunday we were leaving for Moab and needed to be outta the campground by noon. We decided to get up early and do the “shorter” Doctor’s park down hill by riding up the Spring Creek road then cutting over on some degraded jeep trails. The ride up the road was pretty easy, about 1000 feet in 9 miles, other than being cold, around 50 degrees. We found the jeep road we needed however it was on the other side of a very wide and cold Spring Creek. We decided to take off our shoes and wade across. I had a couple bandanas to dry our feet with before putting our socks and shoes back on. This is where it got steep, alternating between granny and a spot or two of hike-a-bike, although I think David and HO may have gotten it all. The climb was taking a little longer than anticipated but we still held to plan by bypassing the actual doctor’s park trail head and going another half mile past and doing two plus miles of really nice single track leading back to the downhill. 
It was as great as last time, maybe even a bit nicer with no mud at all. We got back a little later than anticipated but still got outta camp on the road to Moab by 12:30. It was an uneventful trip back through Grand Junction to I-70 then across and down to the campground here just outside of Moab. We took a trip out to Dead Horse Point State Park for some pictures at sunset. A quick trip into town for dinner at an Italian place finished off the day.
Here is the view right outside of the trailer here at the RV park in Moab
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